Spelling the Dream

I love when completely different things come together and create the perfect theme to a week.

This week in Social Studies we were in the country of India. The entire class was interested in this magnificent country and had so many questions. I love that the class is always so inspired and interested in every single country we study. They appreciate the diversity of the world and are always amazed by its beauty.

We also talked about Dr. Martin Luther King and watched his I Have a Dream speech together in class. After listening to his incredible speech, we were inspired to write down our own dreams. The bulletin board outside my classroom is beautifully decorated with the dreams of each fifth grader for our world. I was moved to tears as I was reading each one of them. This class has incredible dreamers that make a difference each day.

The class has been so excited to start preparing for the school spelling bee during Catholic Schools Week. We received our classroom competition list and the class wanted to get the process started. To help inspire the future champions in our class, I played the documentary Spelling the Dream for them. This documentary followed four Indian-American kids who hope for success in the Scripps National Spelling Bee. It also gives some history about how the US Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 encouraged Indians to move to the United States for opportunities. The entire class was amazed by these young kids that are just like them. One of my favorite moments of the documentary included a quote from a former spelling bee champion:

After watching the documentary, we were motivated to get to practicing for our our classroom spelling bee. The top two in our class will move on the school competition during Catholic Schools Week. We grabbed our study materials and hopped onto the Merriam-Webster website and began our research. We looked up the words that we were unfamiliar with and were able to hear the pronunciation, find out the origin, see the definition, and how it can be used in a sentence. Our class competition will be on Wednesday… I have a feeling it will be a long and tough process to get to the final two!

I hope to see you tonight at the FAST sledding event! Have a great weekend!
~Mrs. A

PS- Here is a picture from Mass today! Calla and Emalyne were the first fifth graders to enter into the server rotation for our weekly school Mass. They did amazing!

Getting Ready for Middle School

Middle school mode! I can’t believe we’re in it already.

The biggest difference is probably more homework. We went from one sheet of homework to about half an hour to an hour of homework. We’re taking spelling, social studies and practice math tests home for homework. Sometimes even some science or grammar.  

Only a slight exaggeration of the homework.

Last week we started working on current events. Luke and Tamia did a fantastic job. Current events are about events all over the world. This week Owen and Kenzy are doing it. We are very excited to hear what they chose.

Around this time we are learning about countries in Asia. Last week we learned about Israel. This week we are learning about Saudi Arabia. I have a lot of fun learning about countries around the world. Do you enjoy learning about countries around the world? 

Recently  we started taking our buddies to church and we’re gonna start serving soon at mass soon. Have you ever served at mass before?

Walking over to Mass with my PK buddy!

A big thing in our class is accountability things that hold us accountable are 

Getting our planners signed and making sure our homework gets stamped.

Participation points are another key thing in our classroom. Basically participation points are five points a day. When you do something wrong you usually get a point taken off an example talking too much, our class needs to work on that especially me. 

This year we have started to have a study hall at the end of Tuesdays and Thursdays just because we are very busy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We can work on homework or classwork that we missed throughout the day. We also might have study hall on other days too.

I have mixed feelings about Middle School Mode, but I think I will be fine by the end of the year and ready to go to Middle School. 
